Well I didn't really had a weekend... It was burnt by the NPCC camp...
The sec 3s went through hell like any other sec 3 in NPCC - CLT camp(Cadet Leader Training camp, previously known as NCO camp). While the sec 1s and 2s went through a leisure camp, conducted by the sec 4s and 5s.
It was kinda fun, but I couldn't help but felt that I was... hmmm... out of place? I don't know...
Oh yeah... Be for I forget... When you people think that I'm stoning or falling asleep, I awake dammit... I just have small eyes, so I look like I'm tired/falling asleep, but I'm as awake as hell... so stopped thinking that I'm bloody tired... people kept thinking that I was falling asleep and I was tried throughout the damn camp...
The camp brought back some of what little memories I had in Fuchun NPCC, well hack... in Fuchun for that matter. I was looking at the sec 3s faces and thought that I had that face once, when I went through that camp... For what it's worth, I felt that the training the sec 5s went through back then was old school, which means to say, it was tougher, but in some ways, less productive, and more productive at the same time.
The fun the sec 1s and 2s experienced was something I couldn't relate to though. When I was in lower sec, I couldn't help but thought that camps were a waste of time... I still get that feeling now, but the difference now is that I actually know why there must be camps and why people must attend them... Needless to say, I kinda felt a sense of nostalgia.
I was tremendously tired after the camp, I went home made a few calls and instantly knocked out and fell asleep. I woke up late for lessons the next day, I missed physics class. I have to apologise to Mdm Rohizan in the morning...
I'll stop here... got to attend the damn Maths Drill tomorrow... I guess I'll go do something productive now... maybe homework... haha...